Contribution Guide

We welcome contributions to Datvazrd! Whether you’re fixing bugs, adding new features, improving documentation, or writing tests, your help is appreciated. Please fork the repository and create a new branch for your fix or feature and create a PR for a review of your changes.

Getting started

Before you can fully build Datvazrd make sure to install pnpm. This is needed for the build script located in to install the necessary js dependencies. After succesfully compiling the binary with cargo build you can run Datavzrd with the example data and configuration with the following command:

cargo run -- .examples/example-config.yaml -o out

This creates a directory named out where the generated report will be located. Open it by clicking on the file named index.html. .

Repository structure

There are two directories that contain the essential source code of Datavzrd.

  • src contains all Rust related code that is used for the generation of the report.

  • web contains Datavzrds own javascript library that is used when a generated report is openend in a browser.